「Experiments in General Chemistry, 3rd Edition」是專為大學一年級學生所編寫之英文版化學實驗教材。以臺灣大學化學系所出版之「大學普通化學實驗」為主幹,編寫為英文版本,全書共計25個實驗及18種實驗技能,內容涵蓋基礎實驗技能訓練,化學原理之印證與應用,有機、無機化合物及材料之合成與性質鑑定,適合外籍國際學生或以英文授課之校系一年級學生化學實驗課參考使用。
Chief Editor: Jui-Lin She; Executive Editors: Yuan-Jui Chang, Bo-Ru Lin, Su-Chuan Chen, Chia-Chun Lin, Bo-Cyuan Chen
General Laboratory Policy
First aid
Laboratory Equipment
Safety certification and identification
Experiment 1 Determination of the chemical formula of a compound
Experiment 2 Molar volume of nitrogen gas
Experiment 3 The heat of reactions
Experiment 4 Quantitative analysis of vitamin C
Experiments 5 and 6 Qualitative analysis of cations
Experiment 5 Qualitative analysis of cation group 1
Experiment 6 Qualitative analysis of cation group 2
Experiment 7 Preparation of alum
Experiment 8 Iodine clock - initial rate method
Experiment 9 Catalyst and catalytic effect
Experiment 10 Quantitative analysis of cobalt(II) ions
Experiment 11 Conducting polymer-polyaniline
Experiment 12 Buffer solutions
Experiment 13 Potentiometric titration of acid-base
Experiment 14 Preparation and characterization of cobalt complexes
Experiment 15 Synthesis of acid-base indicators
Experiment 16 The solubility product constant of silver acetate
Experiment 17 Synthesis of superconductor
Experiment 18 Synthesis of yttrium europium oxide red phosphor
Experiment 19 Synthesis of thermochromic materials
Experiment 20 Synthesis and characterization of gold nanoparticles
Experiment 21 Direct methanol fuel cell
General Laboratory Policy
First aid
Laboratory Equipment
Safety certification and identification
Experiment 1 Determination of the chemical formula of a compound
Experiment 2 Molar volume of nitrogen gas
Experiment 3 The heat of reactions
Experiment 4 Quantitative analysis of vitamin C
Experiments 5 and 6 Qualitative analysis of cations
Experiment 5 Qualitative analysis of cation group 1
Experiment 6 Qualitative analysis of cation group 2
Experiment 7 Preparation of alum
出版社:國立臺灣大學出版中心出版日期:2020-09-30ISBN/ISSN:9789863504160 語言:繁體中文For input string: ""