UNIT 12 Water Sports 水上活動
Dialogue 情境對話
Nina and Lavery are hiking to the Kealakekua Bay, Big Island, for snorkeling.
Nina: This isn't a bad hike at all. I don't get why people are so intimidated about hiking down this trail.
Lavery: Well, we are going downhill now, so naturally it's easy. Wait till we have to climb back up the hills.
Nina: If you're trying to scare me, it's working. It is pretty steep, too. I can't imagine having to climb back up. How far is this trail anyways?
Lavery: I'm not exactly sure, but there are 8 markers, and each is around ¼ mile or more.
Nina: What?! And all this time, we've only passed 1 marker?
Lavery: Yep, not trying to scare you, but I just want to prepare you.
(1 hour and half later)
Nina: The snorkeling is better to be good here!! I'm soooo ready to jump in the water.
Lavery: Let's do it. The visibility of the water seems amazing today!
Nina: Oh wait a minute, are those sharks?? Look at those fins!!
Lavery: No, that's an eagle ray! Today is our lucky day! They look just like angles when they are swimming!
Nina: Are those dangerous?
Lavery: No, not at all. They are not aggressive! Cross my heart.
Nina: Okay, let me get my fins and snorkels ready.
Lavery: Dolphins!! I'm going in first Nina! I'll see you on the flipside!
Nina: Wait up!
UNIT 6 Sunrise 日出
Question 2
Where have you seen the most beautiful sunrise?
Michelle: Sunrise? Of course at Mountain Ali in Taiwan! Where else do you go? When I was there, I had to lower myself to everyone’s level to get in the tiny train for getting up to the mountain. I’d always imagined that we’d get in a luxurious chariot at 3 or 4 in the morning and just wave around the sparklers. So dreamy, and then some servers would have the delicious food ready on the side when you were enjoying the sunrise. I guess they didn’t live up to my expectation at all!
蜜雪兒:看曙光? 當然是要去阿里山阿? 不然你覺得還有什麼地方好去?想當初我去看的時候可是勉強搭乘小火車上去?我一直覺得該乘坐豪華馬車零晨三四點左右,乘著馬車邊拿著仙女棒朝著天空劃呀劃的。蠻夢幻的。然後隨從們還準備好美食,在看曙光時享用。我想他們一點也沒有我預期的那麼好。
Matt: I went to Haleakala in the Island of Maui. My friends and I got up at 3 so that the traffic to the mountain wasn’t too bad. We made it to the top, and quickly found out it was freezing there. Luckily we brought a lot of extra blankets in the car. When the sun was about to rise, the colors of the cloud changed so quickly that I had no choice but to keep taking a lot of pictures. When the sun rose, everyone was in awe of the scene in front of us.
Becca: I watched the sunrise at Fiji. It was during the New Year’s Eve actually. My friends and I decided that we wanted to catch one of the first sunrises in the world to welcome the upcoming New Year, so we went to Fiji and it was very nice. We completed our first of the year by scuba diving afterwards as well!
UNIT 21 Shopping 購物
Question 1
Are you a mall person? Why? Why not?
Michelle: Am I a mall person? Excuse me, I can live in a mall. Of course, I am a mall person, and I’m not shameful about it at all. I love everything about shopping in a mall. You get your nails done, you take home beautiful clothes, and you can sit down at the food court to eat or get a cup of gourmet coffee. There is just so much to see and try on. It is a stress-relief process for me really. Don’t you just want to get out and shop a little when you are having a bad day? It just makes everything better.
Matt: No, not even a tiny bit. I guess I just don’t find material things attractive. Nevertheless, I do have a thing for the sporting goods. I guess I don’t like shopping, but I do need to get necessities. Yep, that’s what I’m trying to say.
Becca: Sometimes I am when there are sales. I don't mind digging out all the goodies even if it means it'll take hours. It's the result that counts. I often find goods that are way under their original prices. It's amazing how much discount you can get sometimes. Who buys with the original prices nowadays?
UNIT 23 Museum 博物館
Question 3
If you had lots of money to start your own museum, what would you exhibit in it? And what would you call it?
Michelle: It may be a cliché, but I really want to own a Shoe Museum, and I would name it “In Her Shoes”. If I had a lot of money already, I’d like to spend it on shoes. Where do I put all those shoes? How about in a museum? It’s the most direct way people can appreciate my great taste in shoes.
Matt: I want to open something extraordinary. It's not a tangible thing, but I think people tend to forget them sometimes. I want to open a “dream” Museum. Dream as in what they want to achieve. I just want to collect many people's dreams and put them together to remind people not to forget them. I would name it: “Museum of the Thing You Call Your Dream” .
Becca: If I had a lot of money, I would like to open a Book Museum. There is so much work included to produce a book. A book is an identity, a voice or message the author is trying to tell the world. Everything from the book cover design to the content has been pondered upon thousands of times. The best way is to collect some of the best ones and put them together. It would be called something like “behind the pages”.
UNIT 12 Water Sports 水上活動
Dialogue 情境對話
Nina and Lavery are hiking to the Kealakekua Bay, Big Island, for snorkeling.
Nina: This isn't a bad hike at all. I don't get why people are so intimidated about hiking down this trail.
Lavery: Well, we are going downhill now, so naturally it's easy. Wait till we have to climb back up the hills.
28個旅遊主題,3個不同的旅遊愛玩客親自教你怎麼回答各式各樣的主題。針對每一個主題我們提供了背景簡介,生動對話,旅遊主題問答以及道地旅遊片語重點提示,讓你出門只要帶背包和嘴巴就好囉! GO!
Bella Lee
Unit 1 Waterfall 瀑布
Unit 2 Lakes 湖
Unit 3 Caves 洞穴
Unit 4 National Parks 國家公園
Unit 5 Canyon 大峽谷
Unit 6 Sunrise 日出
Unit 7 Camping 露營
Unit 8 Hiking 健行
Unit 9 Fishing 釣魚
Unit 10 Yoga 瑜珈
Unit 11 Sports 運動
Unit 12 Water Sport 水上運動
Unit 13 Music 音樂
Unit 14 Festivals 節慶
Unit 15 Performances 表演
Unit 16 Amusement Parks 遊樂園
Unit 17 Cruises 航遊
Unit 18 Outfits 配備
Unit 19 Specialty Foods 名產
Unit 20 Wine 酒
Unit 21 Mall 購物中心
Unit 22 Restaurants 餐廳
Unit 23 Museums 博物館
Unit 24 Architecture 建築物
Unit 25 Biking 腳踏車
Unit 26 Accommodation 住宿
Unit 27 Transportation 交通運輸
Unit 28 Emergency 緊急情況
Unit 1 Waterfall 瀑布
Unit 2 Lakes 湖
Unit 3 Caves 洞穴
Unit 4 National Parks 國家公園
Unit 5 Canyon 大峽谷
Unit 6 Sunrise 日出
Unit 7 Camping 露營
Unit 8 Hiking 健行
Unit 9 Fishing 釣魚
Unit 10 Yoga 瑜珈
Unit 11 Sports 運動
Unit 12 Water Sport 水上運動
Unit 13 Music 音樂
Unit 14 Festivals 節慶
Unit 15 Performances 表演
Unit 16 Amusement Parks 遊樂園
Unit 17 Cruises 航遊
Unit 18 Outfits 配備
Unit 19 Specialty Foods 名產
Unit 20 Wine 酒
Unit 21 Mal...