相滿(車太鉉 飾)在對人生萬般絕望之下,決定自殺一死了斷。想不到即將吞下最後一口氣時,卻被一群搗蛋鬼推回陽間!愛管閒事的老煙鬼(高昌錫 飾)、哭不用錢的愛哭鬼(張英男 飾)、不可理喻的痴漢鬼(李文秀 飾)等各路「好兄弟」齊來鬧場。究竟衰到極點的相滿,能不能趕走這些妖魔鬼怪,順利求死,安心上路?或是,這場奇妙的第六感接觸,能夠扭轉相滿寂寞低潮的生活,讓他迎向美好的新生?
Sang-Man(Cha Tae-Hyun) attempts to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge and into a river. He fails, but the end result is that he starts seeing ghosts. Sang-Man then goes to the hospital and gets anl examination. Is he going crazy?
Meanwhile, Sang-Man meets nurse Jung Yun-Soo(Kang Hye-Won) at the hospital and quickly falls in love. But those pesky ghosts still haunt Sang-Man everywhere he goes. Sang-Man then attempts to help the ghosts fulfill their unrealized dreams to get them to leave him alone once and for all...
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