◎ Piece Number Eight: A Purposeful Life
Grandfather, I asked, “Is it possible to live a purposeful life?” He replied in the affirmative by nodding his head, “When you realize that you truly know nothing, you can slowly begin your quest for knowledge.”
It is easy as an old man to sit back and pontificate about life, work and freedom. You find yourself very promptly marginalized because the question is succinctly posed: “At sixty-five, what can you possibly know about my life at twenty or twenty-five?” The truth is straightforward: “Nothing!” One of the harshest realizations in life is that you are forced to follow Socrates’ (469-399 BC) dictum: I know that I know nothing!
Why does it matter and why should I care? The quick and concise answer is, it doesn’t -- and you also shouldn’t care about your ignorance. We are, of course, referring to life itself -- normally, my life. There is no intrinsic, God-given creed that obligates the individual to care, about anything for that matter. These are learned phenomena that come along with the realization, at some point, that we are free to do whatever we want to do in this existence. One of the great dilemmas we confront when we face this realization, rather sadly, is that we have already obligated ourselves to certain things -- to a certain lifestyle.
We have by this time placed the chains and shackles on ourselves. We have “a job,” we are in a serious relationship or we are married, we have created another life, we have children, etc. To view it from another perspective, these are the “givens,” that make the fight for me, for my mission in life, worthwhile. This is Socrates speaking at his trial as noted in the Apology: “I do not know, my fellow Athenians, how you were affected by my accusers whom you just heard. But they spoke so persuasively they almost made me forget who I was. Yet they hardly uttered a word of truth.”
“My hearers imagine that I myself possess the wisdom which I find lacking in others. But the truth is, Men of Athens, that only God is wise. And by his oracle he wanted to show us that the wisdom of men is worth little or nothing. It is as if he was telling us, ”The wisest man is the one who, like Socrates, knows that his wisdom is in truth worth nothing.”
What this means fundamentally is that you must be prepared to learn, and conversely to share, at any age. It is this sharing, potentially, that has value for others. You must firstly respect yourself. You may go forward in life and, at times, be “experimental.” You must, must, however, always come back to your image of yourself and you must like this image: “your personal brand.” Secondly, you must be a bit brave and find your calling: what you want to do with your life or in your life. Now we often hear: “But, I don’t know what I want to do.” This is quite alright. Ben Franklin (1705-1790) in his Poor Richard's Almanack intimates that we should make a list of our positive and negative attributes or gifts. Then we must choose one and focus on it. “I am good at playing the cello and I also like to write.” If your attempt to be successful by securing a position in a major orchestra does not occur after many years, then perhaps it is time to write your first novel. The key is to not give up trying to find your niche. Thirdly, you must remember that life is exciting.
It is not given to you to plod blindly forward, stumbling through a meaningless life, focusing on saving money, thus retiring unto death: this is not your reality. Finally, and most importantly – have some fun! Existence is meant to be mostly pleasurable: the failures, overcome with a desire to succeed.
The great mystic, philosopher and yogi, Sadhguru (b. 1957) has a thought: “To be on the spiritual path means that you have not made a conclusion about anything you are seeking. To be a seeker means you want to know. One can seek only when one does not know. If he assumes that the end is God or mukti or this or that, there is no seeking. Unfortunately, most seekers in the world have made their conclusion about what is the end, and then they seek. That means you are seeking something that you have created. If you want to seek what you have created, there is no need to seek. It is very simple. Just create whatever you want. This kind of false spiritual seeking is going on in the world on a massive scale. It has become such a huge affair that if you as much as utter a word against it, it amounts to blasphemy or atheism. No true seeking can happen if one assumes what is at the other end. Only when one realizes he or she does not know, is seeking genuine. It then becomes possible to take the next step and see what is happening with oneself.”
What the eminent yogi is saying is that you should not predetermine your life plan. Remain open to all possibilities. Your life is truly a miracle and will not be decided until its physical end. This is not just fallacious encouragement -- it is the truth. All human beings will experience pain, loss and suffering in their existence. This is necessary to broaden your wisdom and understanding.
◎ 第八片拼圖:有意義的人生
以上內容節錄自《Grandfather Is Dead 夜幕低垂:爺爺的30片拼圖》Leon E. Couvée◎著.白象文化出版
◎ Piece Number Eight: A Purposeful Life
Grandfather, I asked, “Is it possible to live a purposeful life?” He replied in the affirmative by nodding his head, “When you realize that you truly know nothing, you can slowly begin your quest for knowledge.”
It is easy as an old man to sit back and pontificate about life, work and freedom. You find yourself very promptly marginalized because the question is succinctly posed: “At sixty-five, what can you possibly know about my life at twenty or ...
Preface 推薦序
From the Principal Embracing Age and Wisdom 校長的話
Introduction 簡介
Synopsis 概要
Piece Number One: Age
Piece Number Two: Gratitude
Piece Number Three: Faith and Hope
Piece Number Four: Heart
Piece Number Five: Change the World
Piece Number Six: The Struggle
Piece Number Seven: Real Success
Piece Number Eight: A Purposeful Life
Piece Number Nine: Memories
Piece Number Ten: True Happiness
Piece Number Eleven: Fear
Piece Number Twelve: Self-Greatness
Piece Number Thirteen: Work
Piece Number Fourteen: Self-Image
Piece Number Fifteen: Perception
第十五片拼圖: 見解
Piece Number Sixteen: Awakening
Piece Number Seventeen: Time Waits for No Man
Piece Number Eighteen: Be Wise
Piece Nineteen: Good Advice
Piece Number Twenty: My Temple
Piece Number Twenty-one: Health
Piece Number Twenty-Two: Luck
Piece Number Twenty-Three: Grandeur
Piece Number Twenty-Four: Glee
Piece Number Twenty-Five: Focus
Piece Number Twenty Six: Emotion
Piece Number Twenty-Seven: Truth
Piece Number Twenty-Eight: Peace
Piece Number Twenty-Nine: Time
Piece Number Thirty: My Perfect Day
Conclusion 結論
Appreciation 致謝
Notes 註解
Preface 推薦序
From the Principal Embracing Age and Wisdom 校長的話
Introduction 簡介
Synopsis 概要
Piece Number One: Age
Piece Number Two: Gratitude
Piece Number Three: Faith and Hope
Piece Number Four: Heart
Piece Number Five: Change the World
Piece Number Six: The Struggle
Piece Number Seven: Real Success
Piece Number Eight: ...