定價:NT$ 880
優惠價:88 折,NT$ 774
You are the reason I write when there is nothing right.
該詩集把愛分為三部曲,是三種不同程度的愛。新書邀請了澳門字體設計學會鄧寶誼先生設計字型。鄧寶誼先生透過數碼字體科技,修復、編碼和擴充不同時期的澳門歷史文字。第一個章節使用的內文字體來自於澳門市政廳中的一塊 1940 年的石碑;第二章節的英式圓體來自於《澳門仁慈堂章程》的首頁手抄原件;第三章節的字體來自 1588 年天主教神父使用鉛活字在澳門印刷的中國第一本拉丁文書籍《CHRISTIANI PUERI
◎李嘉文,兼職大學講師,全職中學英語教師,英國文學愛好者,藝術創作者。她是香港浸會大學傳理學文學碩士生,鍾情於英文詩歌及抽象畫藝術創作。她的攝影作品曾在香港藝術公社《New Trend 2008》展出,其實驗性短片也曾參與由廣州美術學院舉辦的聯展。踏足教育界後,她帶領學生自發創作過百首英文詩歌,彙編成詩集《The Sound of Words》並出版。她希望透過藝術創作幫助學生表達自己,呈現她們的獨特性。她於2022年6月4日至28日期間,假澳門望廈山房舉辦『以愛之名』李嘉文個人詩畫展及 In the Name of Love 新書發佈會。
◎ Prof. Chiu Man Yin, Department of English, University of Macau
The linguist H.G. Widdowson once said provocatively that the value of poetry lies in its very uselessness. Although poetry serves no practical purpose, it has great value. Poetry is the means by which we express our deepest feelings and most unique insights. Poetry is the language of the soul.
One engages in the act of writing poetry for all sorts of reasons but never, I am convinced, for profit. One writes because one has something to say, impelled by some intuition or emotion to fashion out of ordinary language a unique and personal verbal artefact.
The poems in this collection are a labour of love. They were written for no other purpose than to articulate a particular view of life. Together these poems express a poignant and penetrating consciousness engaging with the world that we all share. In these pages, the mundane fabric of everyday life is rendered in fresh and delightful vignettes. Every syllable radiates pure enjoyment of life. The little tippler is, oh so clearly here, leaning against the sun.
There is a common tendency to seek enlightenment and meaning in poetry. Such an urge, in my view, should be resisted. A poem should be enjoyed organically. The cadence of the lines, the arrangement of syllables are assembled in a unique order that fuses with the semantics of the collocations. A poem is a globed fruit, as Archibald Macleish says. Enjoy it whole.
◎ Miranda Sin I MA, President, Macao Association for the Advancement of English
Language Teaching
Just like her paintings, Lei Ka Man’s poems pop. Her words explode like fireworks, sparkle like stardust, and finally touch your heart. Her poems are a window that takes you to her world, a world filled with sentiments, adventures, and surprises. In this world, you sometimes smile, but you also sometimes cry. Ka Man’s world is not only made up of words, but also powerful colors and textures, as well as imagination and dreams. Reading Ka Man’s poems always makes me feel like I am talking with her. Her use of “I, you, we” is how she converses with her readers. I appreciate how Ka Man’s collection is full of contradictions about life because as most of us can relate - life is alluring because it can sometimes get contradictory. We may all experience and interpret Ka Man’s world differently, and I cannot wait for you to join me on this wonderful ride.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。徵求價 | 數量 |
2折 | 1 |
優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 774 NT$ 880
You are the reason I write when there is nothing right.
該詩集把愛分為三部曲,是三種不同程度的愛。新書邀請了澳門字體設計學會鄧寶誼先生設計字型。鄧寶誼先生透過數碼字體科技,修復、編碼和擴充不同時期的澳門歷史文字。第一個章節使用的內文字體來自於澳門市政廳中的一塊 1940 年的石碑;第二章節的英式圓體來自於《澳門仁慈堂章程》的首頁手抄原件;第三章節的字體來自 1588 年天主教神父使用鉛活字在澳門印刷的中國第一本拉丁文書籍《CHRISTIANI PUERI
◎李嘉文,兼職大學講師,全職中學英語教師,英國文學愛好者,藝術創作者。她是香港浸會大學傳理學文學碩士生,鍾情於英文詩歌及抽象畫藝術創作。她的攝影作品曾在香港藝術公社《New Trend 2008》展出,其實驗性短片也曾參與由廣州美術學院舉辦的聯展。踏足教育界後,她帶領學生自發創作過百首英文詩歌,彙編成詩集《The Sound of Words》並出版。她希望透過藝術創作幫助學生表達自己,呈現她們的獨特性。她於2022年6月4日至28日期間,假澳門望廈山房舉辦『以愛之名』李嘉文個人詩畫展及 In the Name of Love 新書發佈會。
◎ Prof. Chiu Man Yin, Department of English, University of Macau
The linguist H.G. Widdowson once said provocatively that the value of poetry lies in its very uselessness. Although poetry serves no practical purpose, it has great value. Poetry is the means by which we express our deepest feelings and most unique insights. Poetry is the language of the soul.
One engages in the act of writing poetry for all sorts of reasons but never, I am convinced, for profit. One writes because one has something to say, impelled by some intuition or emotion to fashion out of ordinary language a unique and personal verbal artefact.
The poems in this collection are a labour of love. They were written for no other purpose than to articulate a particular view of life. Together these poems express a poignant and penetrating consciousness engaging with the world that we all share. In these pages, the mundane fabric of everyday life is rendered in fresh and delightful vignettes. Every syllable radiates pure enjoyment of life. The little tippler is, oh so clearly here, leaning against the sun.
There is a common tendency to seek enlightenment and meaning in poetry. Such an urge, in my view, should be resisted. A poem should be enjoyed organically. The cadence of the lines, the arrangement of syllables are assembled in a unique order that fuses with the semantics of the collocations. A poem is a globed fruit, as Archibald Macleish says. Enjoy it whole.
◎ Miranda Sin I MA, President, Macao Association for the Advancement of English
Language Teaching
Just like her paintings, Lei Ka Man’s poems pop. Her words explode like fireworks, sparkle like stardust, and finally touch your heart. Her poems are a window that takes you to her world, a world filled with sentiments, adventures, and surprises. In this world, you sometimes smile, but you also sometimes cry. Ka Man’s world is not only made up of words, but also powerful colors and textures, as well as imagination and dreams. Reading Ka Man’s poems always makes me feel like I am talking with her. Her use of “I, you, we” is how she converses with her readers. I appreciate how Ka Man’s collection is full of contradictions about life because as most of us can relate - life is alluring because it can sometimes get contradictory. We may all experience and interpret Ka Man’s world differently, and I cannot wait for you to join me on this wonderful ride.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。徵求價 | 數量 |
2折 | 1 |