定價:NT$ 880
優惠價:93 折,NT$ 818
"A mosquito barges into your sweet dreams, a gecko hides itself at home, a whale sweeps the town, a wild boar intrudes a kid's wear shop in a mall, a bat feasts on apples in a supermarket…to these underwhelming animals, does such a daunting city get on their nerves too? Do they, every once in a while, join the insomniacs club and venture into an eerie dream?"
Dreams of A Toad takes you on a trip to the seemingly mundane yet neurotically fantastic world of animal fables.
畫畫人,畫漫畫,做版畫。生於一九八四,成長於荔園隔籬,畢業於中文大學新亞書院藝術系。半邊獨立創作,半邊教學工作。插畫曾刊於香港不同紙上媒體,也作書籍出版及劇場作品宣傳設計。偶有展覽,如《像是動物園》(2014)和《像是動物園II》(2018); 偶然策劃,如《p-at-riot:80後六四文化祭》(2009),2011至2013年為活化廳核心成員。2013年辦了首個個展《斷爛記》,2014年創作《咩世界》漫畫,於《星期日生活》連載至今。近年專事版畫創作,2017年於阿根廷Proyecto’ace版畫工作室作駐留,同年跟友人成立「點印社」,探索印製事務。
Au Wah Yan
Born in 1984, Wah Yan grew up next to Lai Yuen and studied fine arts at New Asia College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Wah Yan is an artist and a printmaker whose drawings and illustrations have been published in numerous local magazines and newspapers including Ming Pao, C for Culture, Muse, META, Ming Pao Weekly and City Magazine. She has also worked on book publications and designed posters for various theatre projects. Some of her occasional group exhibitions include “Zoo As Metaphor” (2014) and “Zoo As Metaphor 2” (2018). In 2009, she organised "P-at-riot June-forth Cultural Festival" with her friends. She was also a member of Wooferten from 2011 to 2013. Her debut solo exhibition "Fragments" was held in 2013. In 2014, she started her bi-weekly comic strip Me1 World in Sunday Mingpao. She has devoted much of her creative efforts to printmaking in recent years. She was an artist-in-residence at Proyecto’ace, Argentina in 2017 and started Printhow, a printmaking collective, with her friends the same year.
優惠價: 93 折, NT$ 818 NT$ 880
"A mosquito barges into your sweet dreams, a gecko hides itself at home, a whale sweeps the town, a wild boar intrudes a kid's wear shop in a mall, a bat feasts on apples in a supermarket…to these underwhelming animals, does such a daunting city get on their nerves too? Do they, every once in a while, join the insomniacs club and venture into an eerie dream?"
Dreams of A Toad takes you on a trip to the seemingly mundane yet neurotically fantastic world of animal fables.
畫畫人,畫漫畫,做版畫。生於一九八四,成長於荔園隔籬,畢業於中文大學新亞書院藝術系。半邊獨立創作,半邊教學工作。插畫曾刊於香港不同紙上媒體,也作書籍出版及劇場作品宣傳設計。偶有展覽,如《像是動物園》(2014)和《像是動物園II》(2018); 偶然策劃,如《p-at-riot:80後六四文化祭》(2009),2011至2013年為活化廳核心成員。2013年辦了首個個展《斷爛記》,2014年創作《咩世界》漫畫,於《星期日生活》連載至今。近年專事版畫創作,2017年於阿根廷Proyecto’ace版畫工作室作駐留,同年跟友人成立「點印社」,探索印製事務。
Au Wah Yan
Born in 1984, Wah Yan grew up next to Lai Yuen and studied fine arts at New Asia College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Wah Yan is an artist and a printmaker whose drawings and illustrations have been published in numerous local magazines and newspapers including Ming Pao, C for Culture, Muse, META, Ming Pao Weekly and City Magazine. She has also worked on book publications and designed posters for various theatre projects. Some of her occasional group exhibitions include “Zoo As Metaphor” (2014) and “Zoo As Metaphor 2” (2018). In 2009, she organised "P-at-riot June-forth Cultural Festival" with her friends. She was also a member of Wooferten from 2011 to 2013. Her debut solo exhibition "Fragments" was held in 2013. In 2014, she started her bi-weekly comic strip Me1 World in Sunday Mingpao. She has devoted much of her creative efforts to printmaking in recent years. She was an artist-in-residence at Proyecto’ace, Argentina in 2017 and started Printhow, a printmaking collective, with her friends the same year.