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Mobile Payment、VR究竟是什麼?
身為科技世代 這些英文你一定要會
1. 看懂英文科技文章,也能和外國人聊科技議題與新聞:
■ 有文章、對話、單字解說與閱讀測驗,不但可以培養英文閱讀能力,也可增加對各類科技的理解。
■「職場科技對話」與「生活科技新聞」包含對話,讓你在職場中也能用英文討論科技相關議題與新聞,如:找網紅來拍開箱影片 (get the Internet celebrity to do some unboxing video)、把檔案上傳到雲端硬碟 (upload files to Google Drive)、把檔案掃描進你的電腦或筆電 (scan the files to your PC or laptop)。
■ 另外有閱讀測驗,可以測試自己的理解力。坊間許多考試中,如:多益、托福、雅思也常出現以辦公室科技為主題的閱讀測驗與聽力,像是:掃描、用通訊軟體溝通、販售新款手機的功能等文章。多讀多說多聽相關主題,對英文學習幫助很大。
2. 認識最新科技相關英文:
■ 社群媒體英文,如:Internet celebrity(網紅)、Internet user(鄉民)、rumor(傳言)。
■ 科技產品英文,如:audiobook(有聲書)、drone(無人機)、USB cable(USB傳輸線)。
■ 科技概念英文術語,如:stream(串流)、touch screen(觸碰式螢幕)、mobile payment(行動支付),「科技概念英文術語」皆提供中文解說,抽象的科技名詞也能變得淺顯易懂。
3. 學習常見英文片語:
不只科技用語,還有許多口語與書寫時常用的片語,包括make one’s name(變得很有名或出名)、be on it(正要去做)、behind one’s back(暗中、在某人背後)。不只是了解科技,更是學習英文。
4. 向全球最傑出的科技菁英學習:
精選全球10間創新科技公司,介紹10位科技菁英,包括亞馬遜創辦人Jeff Bezos(傑佛瑞貝佐斯)、Facebook創辦人Mark Zuckerberg(馬克祖克柏)、電動車特斯拉執行長Elon Musk(伊隆馬斯克),看科技領導者的個人特質、企業特色與特色商品或服務,學習真實生活會用的英文。
英文撰稿 Judd Piggott
曾任國家中央圖書館編譯、《光華雜誌》翻譯、時代雜誌《TIME Express》總編審
Taiwan Slow to Adopt Mobile Payment
With the highest rate of mobile payment usage in the world, China is on its way to become the first cashless economy. China accounts for 60% of mobile payments made worldwide, and 77% of the population regularly use mobile payment services. In addition, in a recent survey, 14% of Chinese consumers said they refused to accept cash at all. And other Asian countries are following China’s lead. Mobile payment penetration is 76% in India, 67% in Indonesia—currently the world’s fastest growing mobile payment market—and 64% in Korea.
In Taiwan, however, only 13% of the population uses mobile payment. Considering that Taiwan’s economy began developing decades ahead of China and many other Asian countries, this figure may seem surprising. Taiwan has a smartphone penetration rate of 93%, one of the highest in the world. And government data shows that over 80% of the population has access to mobile Internet, with a similar percentage willing to try or continue using contactless payment, a category that includes smart cards, contactless credit and debit cards, and payment made with mobile devices.
Taiwan’s slow pace in adopting mobile payment can largely be explained by the fact that has long had a well developed financial system. The same is true for Japan, which also has a low mobile payment penetration rate of 27%. In Taiwan, consumers have many convenient non-cash payment choices, including chip and pin transactions with credit and debit cards, as well as the popular EasyCard, which was originally designed for use on public transportation. Another reason for the slow mobile payment adoption rate is security concerns—many local consumers consider chip and pin transactions to be more secure than digital payment.
usage (n.) 使用,使用方法
economy (n.) 經濟(局勢)
consumer (n.) 消費者
at all (phr.)(用於否定句和疑問句,表示強調)一點兒也
lead (n./v.) 領導,指導,榜樣
smartphone (n.) 智慧型手機
penetrate (v.) 穿透,滲入,penetration rate為「市佔率」
percentage (n.) 百分比,部分
category (n.) 種類,範疇
debit (n.) 借貸。debit card 即「轉帳卡」,是種具刷卡功能,但能直接從存款帳戶扣錢(扣完就無法再刷)的金融卡
financial (a./v.) 金融的,財務的;向…提供資金
transaction (n.) 交易
chip and pin智慧卡付款系統(指使用信用卡與個人密碼的支付方式)
Language Guide
contactless payment 感應式支付
要提到感應式支付,就不能不提到 RFID 和 NFC 這兩兄弟。NFC 全名為 near field communication,是可以「近距離無線通訊」的技術,除了使用在手機裝置間的資料傳輸方式之外,更廣為流行綁定信用卡或是交通票證,開通手機中 NFC 的功能,手機就能快速感應付款。NFC 其實是從 RFID 射頻識別技術發展而來,是 radio frequency identification 的縮寫,RFID 就是智慧卡中的感應技術。
smart card 智慧卡
智慧卡其實就是晶片卡(intergrated circuit card,簡稱 IC 卡)的一種,具有資料存取、運算的功能,或許這個名稱讓大家感覺陌生,但其實它早已充斥在我們的生活之中,像是金融提款卡、健保卡和信用卡,都屬於智慧卡家族。
依照資料讀取方式分為接觸式(contact card)、非接觸式(contactless card)和同時擁有這兩種介面的混合式(combi-card)。接觸式智慧卡讀取需藉由卡片上外露的微晶片;非接觸式的外觀則看不到微晶片,藉由紅外線或無線電波等射頻的方式讀取資料,像是我們搭捷運公車需要的悠遊卡(Easy Card);混合式則集前兩功能於一卡,我們皮包裡的信用卡和簽帳卡(debit card)大多是這類的卡片,當你準備付款時,店員將你的感應式信用卡(contactless credit)放在感應器「嗶」一下就 OK 了,既快速又便利。
Taiwan Slow to Adopt Mobile Payment
With the highest rate of mobile payment usage in the world, China is on its way to become the first cashless economy. China accounts for 60% of mobile payments made worldwide, and 77% of the popula...
A Short History of Social Media社群媒體演變史(文章閱讀+單字)
Social Media—Let’s Get Social!社群網站 大家一起來哈啦吧!(好用例句+單字介紹+會話)
Understanding Facebook Posts and Tweets看懂FB和twitter貼文(單字介紹)
Tech Words科技衍生字(單字介紹)
All about Cell Phone手機相關用語怎麼說(單字+句子+會話)
Part 1
生活科技新聞 Consumer Tech News(閱讀+對話+單字)
1. Robots Replacing Waiters at Alibaba's Robot.He Restaurant
2. Make Fitness a Priority This Year with a New Fitness Tracker
3. Taiwan Slow to Adopt Mobile Payment臺灣採用行動支付速度緩慢
4. New Companion Robots Show Promise新陪伴型機器人前途無量
5. VR虛擬實境
6. Is Your Smartphone a Pain in the Neck? 你的智慧手機會造成肩頸痠痛嗎?
7. Burnout Common among Top YouTubers職業倦怠是YouTube熱門網紅的常見現象
8. Facebook’s Latest Privacy Scandal臉書最近的隱私權醜聞
9. CRISPR Gene-edited Baby Project Declared Illegal當局宣布CRISPR基因編輯嬰兒計畫屬違法
10. Taiwan Warming Up to Blockchain臺灣暖身迎接區塊鏈
Part 2
職場科技對話 Office Tech Conversations(會話+單字)
1. Putting Together PowerPoint Presentations 準備Powerpoint簡報檔案
2. A Multifunction Printer to the Rescue! 用多功能事務機掃描讓工作更便利
3. Making the Case for Macs 麥金塔電腦好難用,我可以換成PC嗎?
4. Problems with Pirated Software 電腦內安裝了盜版軟體,以至於無法更新
5. How to Drive Facebook Traffic 如何增加FB粉絲團流量
6. Marketing with YouTube 拍YouTube開箱影片行銷公司產品
7. Learning to Use the Cloud 傳輸大檔案,每個人都該有的雲端硬碟
8. Getting Organized with Google Sheets Google試算表,線上文書作業的方便表格
Part 3
科技焦點品牌 Top Tech Brands(閱讀+閱讀測驗)
1. Amazon—Selling to the World亞馬遜:賣到全世界
Jeff Bezos傑佛瑞貝佐斯
2. Facebook—A Social Network Goes Global臉書:使用者遍布世界的社群網站
Mark Zuckerberg馬克祖克柏
3. Apple—the Company that Made Tech Fashionable 蘋果公司:讓科技變時尚的公司
Tim Cook提姆庫克
4. Google—the King of Search 谷歌:搜尋之王
Larry Page and Sergey Brin 賴利佩吉和謝爾蓋布林
5. DJI—the First Chinese Global Brand 大疆創新:中國第一個全球品牌
Frank Wang 汪滔
6. Alibaba—Opening Doors for Businesses and Consumers阿里巴巴:開啟企業和消費者之間的大門
Jack Ma馬雲
7. Netflix— A New Way to Watch Movies網飛:觀賞電影的新方法
Wilmot Reed Hastings, Jr. 威摩里德海斯汀二世
8. Airbnb—Feel at Home While Traveling Airbnb民宿網站:讓旅客賓至如歸
Brian Chesky 布萊恩切斯基
9. Tesla, Inc.—Leader in Electric Cars 特斯拉:電動車的領導者
Elon Musk 伊隆馬斯克
10. Uber, the Ridesharing Giant 優步:共乘鉅子
Dara Khosrowshahi達拉霍斯勞沙希
A Short History of Social Media社群媒體演變史(文章閱讀+單字)
Social Media—Let’s Get Social!社群網站 大家一起來哈啦吧!(好用例句+單字介紹+會話)
Understanding Facebook Posts and Tweets看懂FB和twitter貼文(單字介紹)
Tech Words科技衍生字(單字介紹)
All about Cell Phone手機相關用語怎麼說(單字+句子+會話)
Part 1
生活科技新聞 Consumer Tech News(閱讀+對話+單字)
1. Robots Replacing Waiters at Alibaba's Robot.He Restaurant