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HOW (如何和外籍人士解釋中文諺語)
What (和外籍人士講解中西諺語相似的地方)
When (如何讓雙方互相了解諺語使用時機)
Unit 03 Faith will move mountains
How to use this idiom and what occasions you can use this idiom
這句諺語你會怎麼說、能派上用場的場合 Track 25
This proverb was originally from the Bible. It denotes you can achieve something if you believe you can do it. People usually use this proverb to encourage people when they encounter difficulties in their lives. For example, you might think it’s impossible to complete this task but faith will move mountains. This is similar to Chinese phrases - 精誠所至,金石為開, 有志者事竟成 or 鐵杵磨成針.
Synonyms and Analysis 中西諺語應用與翻譯
The original idiom原來怎麼說
Faith will move mountains
Move mountains, where there's a will there's a way
Explanations 中西諺語翻譯說明
There are the other ways to describe this proverb, such as "move mountains" and "where there's a will there's a way." "Move mountains" means achieving something impossible. For example, if we believe that we can move mountains, we will succeed. Move mountains also means that do your best to please someone. For instance, Rita moved mountains for the company but she was dismissed unfairly.
"Where there's a will there's a way" indicates that it is possible to achieve what you want if you persevere with what you are doing. For example, this is what I want to do. I’ll work hard to achieve my goal even though it is very difficult. Where there's a will there's a way.
其他形容faith will move mountains的形容法有move mountains 及where there's a will there's a way。Move mountains指達成某件幾乎不可能完成的事。比如說,假如我們認為我們辦的到,我們就會成功。Move mountains也表示竭盡全力去討好某人。舉例來說,Rita竭盡全力為公司付出,但卻被不公平地解僱了。
Where there's a will there's a way表示假如你堅持到底,即有可能會心想事成。例如,這就是我想做的事。即使這件事很困難,但我會努力完成目標。有志者事竟成。
"Faith will move mountains" and "where there's a will there's a way" are usually used as single phrases in sentences. Examples can go like this: Don’t feel frustrated. Please remember that faith will move mountains. I’m going to move overseas next month. I have no friends and family there but where there's a will there's a way.
Faith will move mountains and where there's a will there's a way 通常於句中作為單一片語。舉例如下:別感到挫敗。請記得有志者事竟成。我下個月要移居海外。我在那沒有親人朋友,但是我相信有志者事竟成。
FAQ中西文化外交交流的一問三答 Track 26
Q: What are the other ways you can describe this proverb in Chinese?
A: Well, 有志者事竟成 is a well-known Chinese idiom describing you will achieve your goal if you are determined.
A: You can say 鐵杵磨成針. Its literal meaning is an iron pestle can be ground into a needle. It denotes you will obtain something you want if you work very hard.
A: The literal meaning of 天下無難事 is nothing is impossible in the world. It denotes that nothing is impossible if you are determined.
Q: I heard “Move mountains” has two definitions. Can you give me some examples?
我聽說 Move mountains 有兩個定義。你可以舉更多例子嗎?
A: Well, it means "do something impossible" or "make every effort to do something."
A: If it means "do something impossible", you can say “If our team believes we can move mountains, we’ll win this game”.
A: If it means "make every effort to do something", here is an example: This is a difficult project. We have moved mountains to complete this project on time.
Both Chinese and English have similar phrases to encourage people to work hard and believe. There are many similar ways to express “Faith will move mountains” in Chinese, such as 精誠所至,金石為開, 有志者事竟成, 鐵杵磨成針, 人定勝天 or 天下無難事.
Both 精誠所至,金石為開 and 鐵杵磨成針are used in figurative senses. The literal meaning of 精誠所至,金石為開 is if you make every effort, even metal or rocks can be broken up. It is used to encourage people to believe themselves that they can achieve something impossible if they do their best.
The literal meaning of 鐵杵磨成針is an iron pestle can be ground into a needle. According to an ancient Chinese story, a young Chinese poet saw an old lady trying to grind an iron pestle into a needle. It made him realize that he could succeed one day if he persevered with his studies. He became a well-known Chinese poet eventually. This is an interesting story that shows how Chinese phrases are developed.
中文和英文兩者皆有類似的成語來鼓勵人們努力及相信自己。中文中有許多相似的成語來描述Faith will move mountains,像是精誠所至,金石為開、有志者事竟成、鐵杵磨成針、人定勝天或天下無難事。
Unit 03 Faith will move mountains
How to use this idiom and what occasions you can use this idiom
這句諺語你會怎麼說、能派上用場的場合 Track 25
This proverb was originally from the Bible. It denotes you can achieve something if you believe you can do it. People usually use this proverb to encourage people when they encounter difficulties in their lives. For example, you might think it’s impossible to complete this task but faith will move mounta...
Chapter One About Wisdom 千古流傳智慧篇
Unit 01 A stone's throw近在咫尺;一箭之遙
Unit 02 Like father, like son有其父必有其子
Unit 03 Look before you leap三思而後行
Unit 04 Save one's bacon及時營救
Unit 05 As busy as a bee 忙得團團轉
Unit 06 Speak of the devil說到曹操,曹操就到
Unit 07 At the drop of a hat毫不猶豫
Unit 08 Below the belt使技倆、手段、花招
Unit 09 Climb/ Jump on the bandwagon 順應潮流
Unit 10 When in Rome, do as Roman do入境隨俗
Chapter Two About Courage 拼勁勇氣篇
Unit 01 As you sow, so shall you reap種豆得豆,種瓜得瓜
Unit 02 Burn the midnight oil挑燈夜戰
Unit 03 Faith will move mountains精誠所至,金石為開
Unit 04 Bend over backwards全力以赴
Unit 05 Face the music 面對現實
Unit 06 Take the bull by the horns兵來將擋,水來土掩
Chapter Three About Love and Joy 溫馨喜樂篇
Unit 1 A friend in need is a friend indeed患難見真情
Unit 2 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder情人眼裡出西施
Unit 3 Bury the hatchet化干戈為玉帛
Unit 4 One's cup of tea 投其所好
Chapter Four About Cultural Communication中西方文化溝通篇
Unit 1 Flogging a dead horse徒勞無功
Unit 2 In the nick of time及時趕到
Unit 3 Pass the buck推卸責任
Unit 4 Take something with a pinch of salt半信半疑
Unit 5 Up in the air懸而未決
Unit 6 Alive and kicking生龍活虎
Unit 7 Cut to the chase開門見山
Unit 8 Down in the dumps鬱鬱寡歡
Unit 9 In the doghouse麻煩大了
Unit 10 Up the creek (without a paddle) 處於困境
Chapter One About Wisdom 千古流傳智慧篇
Unit 01 A stone's throw近在咫尺;一箭之遙
Unit 02 Like father, like son有其父必有其子
Unit 03 Look before you leap三思而後行
Unit 04 Save one's bacon及時營救
Unit 05 As busy as a bee 忙得團團轉
Unit 06 Speak of the devil說到曹操,曹操就到
Unit 07 At the drop of a hat毫不猶豫
Unit 08 Below the belt使技倆、手段、花招
Unit 09 Climb/ Jump on the bandwagon 順應潮流
Unit 10 When in Rome, do as Roman do入境隨俗
Chapter Two About Courage 拼勁勇氣篇
出版社:力得出版日期:2016-03-03ISBN/ISSN:9789869239851 語言:繁體中文For input string: ""