定價:NT$ 200
優惠價:88 折,NT$ 176
該冊收錄的浮水印畫作是黃楷馨的另一項嘗試系列作品,展現出不同於一般的繪畫風格。22張圖版是作者於2012年間所創作的節選作品。另收錄 1篇論文、創作論述、作者簡歷….等,全書中英對照。
黃楷馨生於台北,官方現居地是台北台灣,實質棲地可能為靈光之間。相信智慧,不信任物理年齡,視思考、創作、後遺忘為生命中最重要的小事之一。現為自由藝術工作者、台北市藝術創作者職業工會會員。2008年至今曾於藝廊、獨立空間舉辦過多次繪畫個展、國內外聯展、藝術博覽會等,2013年於倫敦舉辦首次海外個展。曾受獎於2014 Young Art Taipei Award新潮賞最佳人氣獎、2012黎畫廊李建中多元技法創作獎優選、2012 第17屆臺灣台中市大墩美展、 2006 荷蘭銀行臺灣青年藝術家首獎…..等。2014年作品《漫遊者Wanderer》入選法國秋季沙龍展(Salon d'Automne),廣受支持與肯定。創作資訊與展訊請詳閱個人網站( http://kai.us.to/ ), 或留意各藝文資訊平台。
2014曾與作家張蓉蓓合作出版詩畫集《雲山錯遇》,同年出版黃楷馨的第二本獨立製作繪畫集《黃金憂鬱時段Prime Time Blue》。
‘黃楷馨的作品充滿了奇思妙想。創作有如天馬行空,完全不受限於媒材。她勇於嘗試以各種材料與媒材來創作,並以文學與哲學來豐富她的內涵。觀賞她的作品,很容易就被吸引入畫中的情境與氛圍,時而優雅沉靜,時而神秘玄奇,有時又熱情奔放,充分顯現了年輕藝術家的活力與多樣性。 (節錄自 99度藝術中心 文)’
Kai-Hsing Huang is an attentive and sensitive girl. There are always strange thoughts and unexpected ideas in her work, which is always the product of a lively imagination. She can work with any medium and is always in perfect control. People are easily attracted to the atmosphere of her scenes. They are sometimes elegant and quiet, often mysterious and magical and at other times passionate and free to show off the vigor and diversity of youth. Her feelings about literature are expressed clearly in her work and Huang is one of a few young artists who can also deliver mature content. In a time when utilitarianism and gaudiness has dominated the art circle, the refreshing purity of Huang’s is a perfect cure.
文 / 陶文岳 藝術家
黃楷馨外表文靜,但卻是一位敏銳、大膽,具有創作與實驗精神的藝術家。她勇於嘗試以各種材料與媒材來創作,並以文學與哲學來豐富她的內涵。最近則是以竹紙創作了一系列的作品,她充分掌握了這種紙的特性,表現出具有特殊的韻味與東方之意涵的作品。……… 觀賞她的作品,很快得就會融入畫中,畫裡有疑惑、有舒緩、有凝重、有夢幻、有玄秘、也有暴雨狂風,充分顯現年輕藝術家的熱情活力與想像力。隨著展覽與經歷更豐富,黃楷馨的作品也具更成熟的內涵,相信從此次展覽,我們都可以體會到。――節錄自「99 度藝術中心」文於2013《流‧ 轉》個展
Kai-Hsing Huang’s abstract creations draw their inspiration from ordinary life. Bursts of creativity are accompanied by aesthetic rhythmsof a musical and poetic quality. These artistic interfaces are also imbued with a fusion of thoughts, desire, and energy, manifesting a deep and passionate visual meaning driven by a natural eruption of spiritual energy, which represents the charm of her work.
By Tao Wen-Yueh / Artist
Kai-Hsing Huang has a reserved and calm appearance but is actually a bold and creative artist with a penetrating vision and experimental spirit. She boldly experiments with different materials and media in her creative work and enriches her art with literary
and philosophical allusions. She has recently created a series of pieces made from bamboo paper. She fully exploits the unique properties of this type of paper to produce works of art with a unique charm and oriental connotations. Observers are quickly drawn into her paintings which convey a sense of doubt, comfort, gravity, fantasy, mystery, and violent forces of nature, exhibiting the passionate energy and imagination of a young artist. Following the display of her art and the accumulation of rich experience, her works will integrate a deeper and more mature meaning. We firmly believe that this exhibition gives viewers a keen awareness of this artist’s inherent potential.
Quotation from 99º Art center
優惠價: 88 折, NT$ 176 NT$ 200
該冊收錄的浮水印畫作是黃楷馨的另一項嘗試系列作品,展現出不同於一般的繪畫風格。22張圖版是作者於2012年間所創作的節選作品。另收錄 1篇論文、創作論述、作者簡歷….等,全書中英對照。
黃楷馨生於台北,官方現居地是台北台灣,實質棲地可能為靈光之間。相信智慧,不信任物理年齡,視思考、創作、後遺忘為生命中最重要的小事之一。現為自由藝術工作者、台北市藝術創作者職業工會會員。2008年至今曾於藝廊、獨立空間舉辦過多次繪畫個展、國內外聯展、藝術博覽會等,2013年於倫敦舉辦首次海外個展。曾受獎於2014 Young Art Taipei Award新潮賞最佳人氣獎、2012黎畫廊李建中多元技法創作獎優選、2012 第17屆臺灣台中市大墩美展、 2006 荷蘭銀行臺灣青年藝術家首獎…..等。2014年作品《漫遊者Wanderer》入選法國秋季沙龍展(Salon d'Automne),廣受支持與肯定。創作資訊與展訊請詳閱個人網站( http://kai.us.to/ ), 或留意各藝文資訊平台。
2014曾與作家張蓉蓓合作出版詩畫集《雲山錯遇》,同年出版黃楷馨的第二本獨立製作繪畫集《黃金憂鬱時段Prime Time Blue》。
‘黃楷馨的作品充滿了奇思妙想。創作有如天馬行空,完全不受限於媒材。她勇於嘗試以各種材料與媒材來創作,並以文學與哲學來豐富她的內涵。觀賞她的作品,很容易就被吸引入畫中的情境與氛圍,時而優雅沉靜,時而神秘玄奇,有時又熱情奔放,充分顯現了年輕藝術家的活力與多樣性。 (節錄自 99度藝術中心 文)’
Kai-Hsing Huang is an attentive and sensitive girl. There are always strange thoughts and unexpected ideas in her work, which is always the product of a lively imagination. She can work with any medium and is always in perfect control. People are easily attracted to the atmosphere of her scenes. They are sometimes elegant and quiet, often mysterious and magical and at other times passionate and free to show off the vigor and diversity of youth. Her feelings about literature are expressed clearly in her work and Huang is one of a few young artists who can also deliver mature content. In a time when utilitarianism and gaudiness has dominated the art circle, the refreshing purity of Huang’s is a perfect cure.
文 / 陶文岳 藝術家
黃楷馨外表文靜,但卻是一位敏銳、大膽,具有創作與實驗精神的藝術家。她勇於嘗試以各種材料與媒材來創作,並以文學與哲學來豐富她的內涵。最近則是以竹紙創作了一系列的作品,她充分掌握了這種紙的特性,表現出具有特殊的韻味與東方之意涵的作品。……… 觀賞她的作品,很快得就會融入畫中,畫裡有疑惑、有舒緩、有凝重、有夢幻、有玄秘、也有暴雨狂風,充分顯現年輕藝術家的熱情活力與想像力。隨著展覽與經歷更豐富,黃楷馨的作品也具更成熟的內涵,相信從此次展覽,我們都可以體會到。――節錄自「99 度藝術中心」文於2013《流‧ 轉》個展
Kai-Hsing Huang’s abstract creations draw their inspiration from ordinary life. Bursts of creativity are accompanied by aesthetic rhythmsof a musical and poetic quality. These artistic interfaces are also imbued with a fusion of thoughts, desire, and energy, manifesting a deep and passionate visual meaning driven by a natural eruption of spiritual energy, which represents the charm of her work.
By Tao Wen-Yueh / Artist
Kai-Hsing Huang has a reserved and calm appearance but is actually a bold and creative artist with a penetrating vision and experimental spirit. She boldly experiments with different materials and media in her creative work and enriches her art with literary
and philosophical allusions. She has recently created a series of pieces made from bamboo paper. She fully exploits the unique properties of this type of paper to produce works of art with a unique charm and oriental connotations. Observers are quickly drawn into her paintings which convey a sense of doubt, comfort, gravity, fantasy, mystery, and violent forces of nature, exhibiting the passionate energy and imagination of a young artist. Following the display of her art and the accumulation of rich experience, her works will integrate a deeper and more mature meaning. We firmly believe that this exhibition gives viewers a keen awareness of this artist’s inherent potential.
Quotation from 99º Art center