Part A 看圖辨義
1. 公共場所-休閒活動
慢跑(jogging)是許多人喜愛的休閒活動,可以保持健康,鍛練體力;慢跑時通常穿著運動鞋(running shoes)、休閒服(casual wear),有些人還喜歡戴耳機(earphones)聽著音樂慢跑。
David and Emily exercise regularly. They often jog on the weekends. Whenever they run, they wear shorts or warm-up suits and put on running shoes to protect their feet. Sometimes Emily wears earphones and listens to music while running. If you go to the park this weekend, you’ll probably see them jogging together.
( )
Look at the picture. What are they doing?
a ) They are dancing.
b ) They are eating.
c ) They are jogging.
d ) They are singing.
a. Information Focus
b. Language Skills
重點字彙:jog(慢跑)、shorts(短褲)、warm-up suits(保暖衣物)。
句法:描述人物進行中的動作:人 + is / are + V-ing。
c. Tips for Listening
動詞加上ing 的發音方式與原形動詞不太相同,如本題中的 dancing, eating, jogging, singing,請自行大聲朗誦三次,以熟悉其發音。
( )1.
( )2.
( )3.
Part B 對答
1. 圖書館情境
對學生而言,圖書館的主要功能不外乎借閱書籍(check out books)和複習課業(review schoolwork),例如兩位學生為了即將到來的暑期,上圖書館選擇要閱讀的書籍,而引發了以下的對答。
Tim and Lisa are in the library discussing their reading list for the upcoming summer vacation. Tim is interested in science fiction while Lisa wants to read more vampire novels. Tim picks up a classic novel by a famous American writer.
( )Haven’t you read that book?
a ) No, it’s not ready.
b ) Four dollars and fifty cents
c ) Yes, but I am reading it again.
d ) Yes, I like science fiction novels.
a. Information Focus
以上對答中女士提問的目的是「是否有看過那本書」,正確的回應方式是告訴對方有看過那本書,並想再讀一遍“ Yes, but I am reading it again.”。
b. Language Skills
其他字彙:upcoming(即將來臨的)、science fiction(科幻小說)、vampire(吸血鬼)、novel(小說)、classic(古典的)。
句法:Have 開頭的問句:Have / Has + S + V-ed;問句的重點在V-ed 所表示的動作是否「完成」。
c. Tips for Listening
本題屬於 yes / no question,通常以 yes / no 來回應問題。
選項 a ) 與問題無關,其中 ready 與問題中的 read 發音相似,混淆聽者判斷;
選項 b ) 是回應有關價格多少的問題(如How much is the book?);
選項 d ) 是回應類似 “Do you like that book?” 的問題。
( ) 1.
a ) Who’s the author?
b ) Thanks, I just got it.
c ) It was found a few years ago.
d ) Yes, it is my favorite book.
( ) 2.
a ) But I was planning to wear them tonight.
b ) I’ll try to return them by tomorrow.
c ) Get them to me as soon as you find them.
d ) I asked for a raise.
( ) 3.
a ) I read it to my daughter when she was young.
b ) I prefer novels to nonfiction.
c ) It was written many years ago.
d ) The author is John Steinbeck.
Part C 簡短對話
1. 家居修繕問題
在家中常會遇到一些設備發生問題,例如水管漏水(leaking)、電視沒有畫面(no picture)、或是冷氣故障(out of order),這時就需要找人修繕了。
It’s time for lunch, and Ben walks to the bathroom to wash his hands. He finds the bathroom flooded. With water overflowing, it looks like one of the pipes is leaking. Ben goes to the kitchen to tell his wife, Cindy, about the situation. They must fix the flooded bathroom right away.
M :We’d better call for help. I think one of our pipes is leaking.
W :What happened?
M : I’m not sure, but there’s water all over the bathroom floor.
Who will they probably call for help?(他們可能會打電話找誰幫忙?)
( )
a ) A tour guide(導遊)
b ) A plumber(水管技工)
c ) An automobile mechanic(汽車技師)
d ) A teacher(老師)
a. Information Focus
問題的重點是「找誰來修繕?」,從對話中的關鍵字彙pipe, leaking, water,得知可能是水管漏水的問題,應該要找修水管的技工(plumber)。
b. Language Skills
c. Tips for Listening
兩人之間的對話常會有所謂的「起頭語」,例如本段對話的“ We’d better call for help. ”,表示有狀況發生,需要幫忙,後面接續的文字,應該是描述所發生的問題。
( ) 1.
a ) Find the man’s contact lens.
b ) Get in touch with the man.
c ) Make the repairs take longer.
d ) Accept the man’s television.
( ) 2.
a ) It was unplugged.
b ) The batteries needed to be replaced.
c ) The remote control was broken.
d ) The TV was too far away.
( ) 3.
a ) He thinks it’s strange.
b ) He thinks it’s something to laugh about.
c ) He thinks the woman is playing a joke.
d ) He thinks he should have done it.
Part D 短文聽解
1. 商店情境-賣場廣播
去商店或賣場逛街採購時常會聽到各類廣播(announcement)內容,包括介紹賣場設施(facilities)、限時搶購(time-limited offers)、尋人(物)啟示(lost and found)、打烊通知等。
Amy is shopping at D. B. Mathews, a department store. With a daytime job, she only has time to shop in the evenings. Today, Amy is looking for a new party dress. Amy tries on several dresses and, as she decides, she hears the following announcement.
Attention, shoppers. D. B. Mathews will be closing in 20 minutes. Please bring the clothes you wish to purchase to the nearest register. Registers are located on every floor. We accept cash, checks, all major credit cards and, of course, the D. B. Mathews charge card. We will be open tomorrow from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. as usual.
( ) Where is the announcement being heard?(這段廣播是在哪裡聽到的?)
a ) In a theater(在劇院)
b ) In an office(在辦公室)
c ) In a clothing store(在服飾店)
d ) In a museum(在博物館)
a. Information Focus
問題的重點是「廣播的地點」,從文中的關鍵字shoppers, dress, purchase,得知這是間服飾店。
b. Language Skills
c. Tips for Listening
廣播常用的開頭語是“ Attention ” 或“ Your attention, please. ”,目的是請大家注意,後面接續的文字通常就是說話的重點。
( ) 1. When will D. B. Mathews be open tomorrow?
a ) It will be closed.
b ) At the regular time
c ) From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
d ) Only in the morning
( ) 2-1. What kind of place might this be?
a ) A museum
b ) An amusement park
c ) A sports stadium
d ) A zoo
( ) 2-2. What is the purpose of this announcement?
a ) A lost notice
b ) An advertisement
c ) A meeting notice
d ) A closure notice
Part A 看圖辨義
1. 公共場所-休閒活動
慢跑(jogging)是許多人喜愛的休閒活動,可以保持健康,鍛練體力;慢跑時通常穿著運動鞋(running shoes)、休閒服(casual wear),有些人還喜歡戴耳機(earphones)聽著音樂慢跑。
David and Emily exercise regularly. They often jog on the weekends. Whenever they run, they wear shorts or warm-up suits and put on running shoes to protect their feet. Sometimes Emily wears earphones and listens to music while running. If you go to the park thi...
Part A 看圖辨義
1. 公共場所-休閒活動
2. 體能活動
3. 校園藝文活動
4. 居家活動
5. 商店購物
6. 搭乘大眾運輸工具
7. 街道上人物的動作
8. 餐廳進食
9. 大眾娛樂活動
10. 美髮理容
11. 商店及賣場
12. 地點:大眾運輸
13. 地點:娛樂場所
14. 地點:自然風景
15. 物品的位置
16. 人物的身分
17. 事物的狀態
18. 衣著
19. 動物
20. 人的表情及狀態
Part B 對答
1. 圖書館情境
2. 學校課業
3. 師生互動
4. 幫忙做家事
5. 家具購置或更換
6. 設備使用及維護
7. 家庭娛樂活動
8. 社交禮儀
9. 表達關心、致意
10. 八卦閒聊
11. 穿著選擇
12. 聚會邀約
13. 尋求協助
14. 提供協助
15. 餐廳結帳
16. 服飾選購
17. 詢問方向
18. 郵件處理
19. 致謝及致歉
20. 旅遊見聞
Part C 簡短對話
1. 家居修繕問題
2. 遊學、旅行
3. 選擇禮物
4. 考試及課業
5. 寵物飼養
6. 朋友之間的相處
7. 參加課程、社團或競賽
8. 喜歡的童年活動
9. 師長之間的對話
10. 選擇餐廳
11. 點餐
12. 喜愛的娛樂活動
13. 預約住宿、餐廳
14. 談論音樂
15. 通勤問題
16. 與家人的活動
17. 抱怨
18. 聰明購物
19. 環境保護
20. 飲食健康
Part D 短文聽解
1. 賣場廣播
2. 機艙廣播
3. 球賽廣播
4. 劇院廣播
5. 動物園、遊樂場所廣播
6. 旅遊導覽
7. 課堂知識
8. 圖書館介紹
9. 婚禮致詞
10. 對師長的謝詞
11. 電話語音或留言
12. 問題與處理
13. 保健資訊
14. 研習課程介紹
15. 提名與投票
16. 飼主與寵物
17. 天氣預報
18. 廣告
19. 介紹菜單
20. 路況報導
Part A 看圖辨義
1. 公共場所-休閒活動
2. 體能活動
3. 校園藝文活動
4. 居家活動
5. 商店購物
6. 搭乘大眾運輸工具
7. 街道上人物的動作
8. 餐廳進食
9. 大眾娛樂活動
10. 美髮理容
11. 商店及賣場
12. 地點:大眾運輸
13. 地點:娛樂場所
14. 地點:自然風景
15. 物品的位置
16. 人物的身分
17. 事物的狀態
18. 衣著
19. 動物
20. 人的表情及狀態
Part B 對答
1. 圖書館情境
2. 學校課業
3. 師生互動
4. 幫忙做家事
5. 家具購置或更換
6. 設備使用及維護