作者:Todd W. Breedlove & Randal L. Albert
定價:NT$ 1160
優惠價:98 折,NT$ 1136
C++: An Active Learning Approach provides a hands-on introduction to the C++ language through active learning exercises and numerous programming projects. C++ is taught with an emphasis on procedural programming, beginning with an introduction to object-oriented programming. Ideal for the introductory programming course, this text includes the latest C++ upgrades without losing sight of the C underpinnings still required for all computing fields. With over 30 years of combined teaching experience, the authors understand the potential pitfalls students face and thus aim to keep the language simple, straightforward, and conversational. The topics are covered in depth, yet as succinctly as possible. The text provides challenging exercises designed to teach students how to effectively debug a computer program. Team Programming Exercises urge students to read existing code, adhere to code specifications, and write from existing design documents. Examples are provided electronically allowing students to easily run code found in the text.
訂購本商品前請務必詳閱退換貨原則。作者:Todd W. Breedlove & Randal L. Albert
優惠價: 98 折, NT$ 1136 NT$ 1160
C++: An Active Learning Approach provides a hands-on introduction to the C++ language through active learning exercises and numerous programming projects. C++ is taught with an emphasis on procedural programming, beginning with an introduction to object-oriented programming. Ideal for the introductory programming course, this text includes the latest C++ upgrades without losing sight of the C underpinnings still required for all computing fields. With over 30 years of combined teaching experience, the authors understand the potential pitfalls students face and thus aim to keep the language simple, straightforward, and conversational. The topics are covered in depth, yet as succinctly as possible. The text provides challenging exercises designed to teach students how to effectively debug a computer program. Team Programming Exercises urge students to read existing code, adhere to code specifications, and write from existing design documents. Examples are provided electronically allowing students to easily run code found in the text.