The Horse and his Boy is a stirring and dramatic fantasy story that finds a young boy named Shasta on the run from his homeland with the talking horse, Bree. When the pair discover a deadly plot by the Calormen people to conquer the land of Narnia, the race is on to warn the inhabitants of the impending danger and to rescue them all from certain death.
None of the sheer magic of the Horse and His Boy has faded since it first delighted a generation of children in the 1950s, and anyone who has ever savoured the peculiar delights of Narnia will love this special edition, published in celebration of the centenary of CS Lewis. With its stylish, larger format featuring fine, hand-coloured illustrations by Pauline Baynes, all the magic of the originals can be found in this delectable tale which will continue to enchant hosts of new readers long into the future. --Susan Harrison --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
Clive Staples Lewis, born in 1898, wrote many books for adults but the Narnia stories were his only works for children. The final title, The Last Battle, published in 1956, won the Carnegie Award, the highest mark of excellence in children's literature.
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