★九把刀監製 X 隋棠聯合出品,關愛流浪動物
“Twelve Nights”is a documentary about the fate of stray dogs in a government-run animal shelter in southern Taiwan. From their initial capture on the streets, after 12 days in the shelter, the animals are destroyed, have died of disease, or, if they are lucky, end up in the arms of a new owner. The film shows many dogs entering the shelter looking healthy but later falling ill or dying due to the rampant transmission of canine distemper and other diseases inside the facility. As of the beginning of this week, “Twelve Nights” had pulled in more 13 million New Taiwan dollars since its release, according to the film’s distributor, a considerable amount for a documentary in Taiwan.
★九把刀監製 X 隋棠聯合出品,關愛流浪動物
“Twelve Nights”is a documentary about the fate of stray dogs in a government-run animal shelter in southern Taiwan. From their initial capture on the streets, after 12 days in the shelter, the animals are destroyed, have died of disease, or, if they are lucky, end up in the arms of a new owner. The film shows many dogs entering the shelter looking healthy but later falling ill or dying due to the rampant transmission of canine distemper and other diseases inside the facility. As of the beginning of this week, “Twelve Nights” had pulled in more 13 million New Taiwan dollars since its release, according to the film’s distributor, a considerable amount for a documentary in Taiwan.
※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,