定價:NT$ 500
三代同堂的哈勇一家,阿公是家族的精神支柱,一直奉行泰雅傳統「GAGA」,孫女阿莉(林亭莉 飾)從紐西蘭打工兩年,剛回家不久,阿公就在睡夢中過世。而阿莉的父親巴尚(洪金輝 飾)為了家中土地所有權的問題,不顧阿公生前的反對,決定參選鄉長,提升家族地位,同時,阿嬤發現阿莉竟然懷孕了,新的小生命即將來到哈勇家!然而巴尚參與的這場選戰,讓家族感情一夕凍結,如同高山上冬季的那一場雪。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(長版)
九月底1000多公尺的高山部落,依舊一片霧茫茫。烤火房的一縷煙,開始了三代同堂哈勇家族的一天。哈勇阿公(陳德清 飾)一生遵從的泰雅傳統「GAGA」,早就不被現代族人所重視,他只能不斷告誡不愛念書,卻一心想當獵人的孫子以諾(張祖鈞 飾)。
因為鄉長斗力(法愛 飾)家族土地越界到哈勇家,讓頭目家族的哈勇一家憤憤不平,在爭取無望下,哈勇大兒子巴尚(洪金輝 飾)想藉由加入選戰,讓家族地位更抬頭。
而巴尙與從紐西蘭打工回家的女兒阿莉(林亭莉 飾),始終有著隔閡,自從阿莉母親意外過世後,父女間總有一道隱形的牆。這個深秋,哈勇阿公突然離世,部落開始被濃霧層層包圍,就像是哈勇家族這個冬季的奇妙氛圍~
哈勇過世後,巴尚決定投入選舉,無疑是家庭震撼彈,加上一位國外來的年輕人Andy(黃信赫 飾)意外拜訪,為這個傳統的頭目家族帶來不小的衝擊與笑料。
弟弟席浪(林孟君 飾)一家人也跟捲入選戰,引發和太太尤莉(黃瀞怡 飾)的爭執,阿嬤(林詹珍妹 飾)從一開始反對,但最後卻為了選戰,全家投入做了瘋狂賭注…。
Laha Mebow
Wilang Noming、Kagaw Piling、Wilang Lalin、Ali Batu、Gaki Baunay、Esther Huang、Yukan Losing、Yasuy Silan、Amakankang Dalus、Andy Huang、Vaai、Tomo Masa、Wilang Toli、Buya Watan、Brando Huang
112 mins
★Won-2022 Golden Horse Awards-Best Director、Best Supporting Actress
★Nominated-2022 Golden Horse Awards-Best Narrative Feature、Best Director、Best Original Screenplay、Best Supporting Actress、Best New Performer、Best Original Film Song
★2022 Singapore International Film Festival-Best Asian
★2022 Hawaii International Film Festival-Official Selection(Spotlight on Taiwan、Indigenous Lens)*台灣電影焦點單元、原民鏡像單元
★2022 Hong Kong Asian Film Festival
Feature Film (Silver Screen Award)
★2022 San Diego Asian Film Festival-Official Selection
GAGA is a heartwarming story at the joint effort of Do You Love Me As I Love You producer Eric Liang, You Name Engraved Herein producer Arthur Chu, and the Taipei Film Awards Best Director winner Laha Mebow(for Lokah Laqi).
A big Atayal family lives in a tribe in the mountains. When the head of the family Hayung passes away, the family is falling apart due to differences. Can they fix it and go back?
Every family has its own issues. GAGA portrays the new generation’s connections and complexes to families and lands in a unique way. It’s the most touching and beautiful movie in 2022.
At the end of September, the mist surrounds a mountain tribe. The smoke from the firewood shed signals the start of a day for Hayung’s big Atayal family of three generations.
Grandpa Hayung(Wilang Noming) follows the Atayal tradition, GAGA, all his life that younger generations no longer value. He can only try to teach his grandson Enoch(Yukan Losing).
Hayung’s land has been encroached by Mayor Toli’s family and his powerless family is furious. After the lost cause, Hayung’s oldest son Pasang(Wilang Lain) hopes to improve their status by winning mayorship. Meanwhile, Pasang does not get along with his daughter Ali(Ali Batu) who recently returned from New Zealand. Since her mother passed away, there always seems to be an invisible wall in between them.
After grandpa Hayung’s sudden passing this fall, the tribe has encountered a fog that won’t lift, just like this family’s uncertain future is haunting them.
After Hayung’s passing, Pasang decides to run for mayorship. His brother Silan(Gaki Baunay) tries to help, but Silan ends up in fights with his wife Yuli(Esther Huang). Their mother(Kagaw Piling) goes from being strong against it to making a crazy move, all for the sake of the campaign…
導演: 《只要我長大》《不一樣的月光》《漂流遇見你》陳潔瑤
演員: 陳德清、林詹珍妹、洪金輝、【臺灣女子偶像團體AKB48 Team TP成員】林亭莉、林孟君、《山的那一邊》《只要我長大》黃瀞怡(小薫)、《泰雅巴萊》張祖鈞、李瑄、辛甘、《About Youth 默默的我,不默默的我們》黃信赫、法愛、黃智靖、嵬浪.斗力、《只要我長大》陳宇、《金錢男孩MONEYBOYS》《愛琳娜》黃鐙輝
定價:NT$ 500
三代同堂的哈勇一家,阿公是家族的精神支柱,一直奉行泰雅傳統「GAGA」,孫女阿莉(林亭莉 飾)從紐西蘭打工兩年,剛回家不久,阿公就在睡夢中過世。而阿莉的父親巴尚(洪金輝 飾)為了家中土地所有權的問題,不顧阿公生前的反對,決定參選鄉長,提升家族地位,同時,阿嬤發現阿莉竟然懷孕了,新的小生命即將來到哈勇家!然而巴尚參與的這場選戰,讓家族感情一夕凍結,如同高山上冬季的那一場雪。-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(長版)
九月底1000多公尺的高山部落,依舊一片霧茫茫。烤火房的一縷煙,開始了三代同堂哈勇家族的一天。哈勇阿公(陳德清 飾)一生遵從的泰雅傳統「GAGA」,早就不被現代族人所重視,他只能不斷告誡不愛念書,卻一心想當獵人的孫子以諾(張祖鈞 飾)。
因為鄉長斗力(法愛 飾)家族土地越界到哈勇家,讓頭目家族的哈勇一家憤憤不平,在爭取無望下,哈勇大兒子巴尚(洪金輝 飾)想藉由加入選戰,讓家族地位更抬頭。
而巴尙與從紐西蘭打工回家的女兒阿莉(林亭莉 飾),始終有著隔閡,自從阿莉母親意外過世後,父女間總有一道隱形的牆。這個深秋,哈勇阿公突然離世,部落開始被濃霧層層包圍,就像是哈勇家族這個冬季的奇妙氛圍~
哈勇過世後,巴尚決定投入選舉,無疑是家庭震撼彈,加上一位國外來的年輕人Andy(黃信赫 飾)意外拜訪,為這個傳統的頭目家族帶來不小的衝擊與笑料。
弟弟席浪(林孟君 飾)一家人也跟捲入選戰,引發和太太尤莉(黃瀞怡 飾)的爭執,阿嬤(林詹珍妹 飾)從一開始反對,但最後卻為了選戰,全家投入做了瘋狂賭注…。
Laha Mebow
Wilang Noming、Kagaw Piling、Wilang Lalin、Ali Batu、Gaki Baunay、Esther Huang、Yukan Losing、Yasuy Silan、Amakankang Dalus、Andy Huang、Vaai、Tomo Masa、Wilang Toli、Buya Watan、Brando Huang
112 mins
★Won-2022 Golden Horse Awards-Best Director、Best Supporting Actress
★Nominated-2022 Golden Horse Awards-Best Narrative Feature、Best Director、Best Original Screenplay、Best Supporting Actress、Best New Performer、Best Original Film Song
★2022 Singapore International Film Festival-Best Asian
★2022 Hawaii International Film Festival-Official Selection(Spotlight on Taiwan、Indigenous Lens)*台灣電影焦點單元、原民鏡像單元
★2022 Hong Kong Asian Film Festival
Feature Film (Silver Screen Award)
★2022 San Diego Asian Film Festival-Official Selection
GAGA is a heartwarming story at the joint effort of Do You Love Me As I Love You producer Eric Liang, You Name Engraved Herein producer Arthur Chu, and the Taipei Film Awards Best Director winner Laha Mebow(for Lokah Laqi).
A big Atayal family lives in a tribe in the mountains. When the head of the family Hayung passes away, the family is falling apart due to differences. Can they fix it and go back?
Every family has its own issues. GAGA portrays the new generation’s connections and complexes to families and lands in a unique way. It’s the most touching and beautiful movie in 2022.
At the end of September, the mist surrounds a mountain tribe. The smoke from the firewood shed signals the start of a day for Hayung’s big Atayal family of three generations.
Grandpa Hayung(Wilang Noming) follows the Atayal tradition, GAGA, all his life that younger generations no longer value. He can only try to teach his grandson Enoch(Yukan Losing).
Hayung’s land has been encroached by Mayor Toli’s family and his powerless family is furious. After the lost cause, Hayung’s oldest son Pasang(Wilang Lain) hopes to improve their status by winning mayorship. Meanwhile, Pasang does not get along with his daughter Ali(Ali Batu) who recently returned from New Zealand. Since her mother passed away, there always seems to be an invisible wall in between them.
After grandpa Hayung’s sudden passing this fall, the tribe has encountered a fog that won’t lift, just like this family’s uncertain future is haunting them.
After Hayung’s passing, Pasang decides to run for mayorship. His brother Silan(Gaki Baunay) tries to help, but Silan ends up in fights with his wife Yuli(Esther Huang). Their mother(Kagaw Piling) goes from being strong against it to making a crazy move, all for the sake of the campaign…
導演: 《只要我長大》《不一樣的月光》《漂流遇見你》陳潔瑤
演員: 陳德清、林詹珍妹、洪金輝、【臺灣女子偶像團體AKB48 Team TP成員】林亭莉、林孟君、《山的那一邊》《只要我長大》黃瀞怡(小薫)、《泰雅巴萊》張祖鈞、李瑄、辛甘、《About Youth 默默的我,不默默的我們》黃信赫、法愛、黃智靖、嵬浪.斗力、《只要我長大》陳宇、《金錢男孩MONEYBOYS》《愛琳娜》黃鐙輝
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