你相信世上有一種服用後會得到金錢與權勢的靈藥嗎?如果可以擁有全世界,你願意以靈魂做為代價換取嗎?落魄的紐約作家艾迪(布萊德利庫柏 飾)意外取得一種神秘新藥物NZT,灰慘人生驟然亮麗改觀,原來這種藥物能夠激發人腦未被利用的沉睡空間,於是艾迪憑藉超乎常人的智慧與反應力,得到了夢寐以求的名利與聲望。然而艾迪很快就發覺竄紅崛起的負面代價,神秘的敵人與組織紛紛將他鎖定為通緝目標,意圖揭穿他成功背後的祕辛,而神奇靈藥的致命副作用也將逐漸浮現…
Aspiring author Eddie Morra (Cooper) is suffering from chronic writer’s block, but his life changes instantly when an old friend introduces him to NZT, a revolutionary new pharmaceutical that allows him to tap his full potential. With every synapse crackling, Eddie can recall everything he has ever read, seen or heard, learn any language in a day, comprehend complex equations and beguile anyone he meets—as long as he keeps taking the untested drug.Soon Eddie takes Wall Street by storm, parlaying a small stake into millions. His accomplishments catch the eye of mega-mogul Carl Van Loon (De Niro), who invites him to help broker the largest merger in corporate history. But they also bring Eddie to the attention of people willing to do anything to get their hands on his stash of NZT. With his life in jeopardy and the drug’s brutal side effects taking their toll, Eddie dodges mysterious stalkers, a vicious gangster and an intense police investigation as he attempts to hang on to his dwindling supply long enough to outwit his enemies.
編劇:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 艾倫葛林Alan Glynn
製片:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 萊恩卡瓦納Ryan Kavanaugh & 史考特克洛夫Scott Kroopf
布萊德利庫柏Bradley Cooper(天龍特攻隊、醉後大丈夫)
勞勃狄尼洛Robert De Niro(色獄心機、門當父不對系列)
艾比柯妮許Abbie Cornish(璀璨情詩、美好的一年)
安娜法芮 Anna Friel(倫敦大道、失落之地)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
編劇:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 艾倫葛林Alan Glynn
製片:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 萊恩卡瓦納Ryan Kavanaugh & 史考特克洛夫Scott Kroopf
布萊德利庫柏Bradley Cooper(天龍特攻隊、醉後大丈夫)
勞勃狄尼洛Robert De Niro(色獄心機、門當父不對系列)
艾比柯妮許Abbie Cornish(璀璨情詩、美好的一年)
安娜法芮 Anna Friel(倫敦大道、失落之地)
你相信世上有一種服用後會得到金錢與權勢的靈藥嗎?如果可以擁有全世界,你願意以靈魂做為代價換取嗎?落魄的紐約作家艾迪(布萊德利庫柏 飾)意外取得一種神秘新藥物NZT,灰慘人生驟然亮麗改觀,原來這種藥物能夠激發人腦未被利用的沉睡空間,於是艾迪憑藉超乎常人的智慧與反應力,得到了夢寐以求的名利與聲望。然而艾迪很快就發覺竄紅崛起的負面代價,神秘的敵人與組織紛紛將他鎖定為通緝目標,意圖揭穿他成功背後的祕辛,而神奇靈藥的致命副作用也將逐漸浮現…
Aspiring author Eddie Morra (Cooper) is suffering from chronic writer’s block, but his life changes instantly when an old friend introduces him to NZT, a revolutionary new pharmaceutical that allows him to tap his full potential. With every synapse crackling, Eddie can recall everything he has ever read, seen or heard, learn any language in a day, comprehend complex equations and beguile anyone he meets—as long as he keeps taking the untested drug.Soon Eddie takes Wall Street by storm, parlaying a small stake into millions. His accomplishments catch the eye of mega-mogul Carl Van Loon (De Niro), who invites him to help broker the largest merger in corporate history. But they also bring Eddie to the attention of people willing to do anything to get their hands on his stash of NZT. With his life in jeopardy and the drug’s brutal side effects taking their toll, Eddie dodges mysterious stalkers, a vicious gangster and an intense police investigation as he attempts to hang on to his dwindling supply long enough to outwit his enemies.
編劇:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 艾倫葛林Alan Glynn
製片:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 萊恩卡瓦納Ryan Kavanaugh & 史考特克洛夫Scott Kroopf
布萊德利庫柏Bradley Cooper(天龍特攻隊、醉後大丈夫)
勞勃狄尼洛Robert De Niro(色獄心機、門當父不對系列)
艾比柯妮許Abbie Cornish(璀璨情詩、美好的一年)
安娜法芮 Anna Friel(倫敦大道、失落之地)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
編劇:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 艾倫葛林Alan Glynn
製片:萊斯里迪克森Leslie Dixon & 萊恩卡瓦納Ryan Kavanaugh & 史考特克洛夫Scott Kroopf
布萊德利庫柏Bradley Cooper(天龍特攻隊、醉後大丈夫)
勞勃狄尼洛Robert De Niro(色獄心機、門當父不對系列)
艾比柯妮許Abbie Cornish(璀璨情詩、美好的一年)
安娜法芮 Anna Friel(倫敦大道、失落之地)
※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,