隻身前往好萊塢闖天下的「車神」(雷恩葛斯林 飾),懷有一身無人能及的駕駛絕技,加上過人的膽識與拚勁,很快地他便躍升成為電影圈最紅的特技飛車手。白天替電影拍攝高難度特技場面,晚上則替搶匪駕車逃離犯罪現場;然而火速狂飆,才是他心中最極致的享受。不料,某次犯案出了差錯,讓道上兄弟對他展開全面追捕。車神本想歸還贓款以結束這場風波,豈料拿回贓款的黑道竟仍想至他於死地。被逼入絕境的車神終於忍無可忍,決定向敵人展開搏命逆襲…。
Driver (RYAN GOSLING) is a stunt driver by day and a getaway driver by night. Doesn’t matter what job he does, Driver is most comfortable behind the wheel of a car. Shannon (BRYAN CRANSTON) is part mentor, part manager for Driver. Since he knows what a great talent Driver is behind the wheel, he either peddles him to film and television directors in the entertainment business or thieves who need an accomplished getaway driver, taking a cut for his own pockets. Always looking to make a buck, Shannon’s current plan is funding a stock car that Driver can race on the professional circuit. Since Bernie Rose (ALBERT BROOKS) is the wealthiest guy he knows, even if the sources of his money are questionable, Shannon proposes he be their investor. After seeing Driver in action at the speedway, Bernie Rose insists Nino (RON PERLMAN) partners with them as well.
Primarily a loner and ambivalent about the deals Shannon makes for him, Driver’s world changes the day he shares an elevator ride at his apartment building with Irene (CAREY MULLIGAN). When he sees her again at the grocery store with her young son, Benicio (KADEN LEOS), he is transfixed, and willingly offers help when they are stranded in the parking lot because Irene’s car won’t start. Soon Driver settles into a routine of driving Irene to her waitress job and watching Benicio, entangled in their lives while her car is fixed. This interlude in Driver’s life abruptly stops when Standard (OSCAR ISAAC), Irene’s husband, is let out early from prison for good behavior. Even though nothing has happened between Driver and Irene, Standard is threatened by another man’s presence in his family’s life. Driver backs off, respectful of Irene’s desire to keep her family together, but when he finds Standard bloodied and lying in the garage with a scared Benicio standing next to his father, Driver is embroiled even further in Irene’s life. Then trouble begins…
導演:尼可拉溫迪黑芬Nicolas Winding Refn(血染天堂路、藥頭三部曲)
編劇:荷森亞米尼Hossein Amini & 詹姆斯薩利斯James Sallis
製片:麥可李維克Michel Litvak & 約翰帕勒摩John Palermo & 馬可普萊特Marc Platt & 吉吉普立茲克Gigi Pritzker & 亞當席格Adam Siegel
雷恩葛斯林Ryan Gosling(手札情緣、破綻)
凱莉穆莉根Carey Mulligan(華爾街:金錢萬歲、名媛教育)
朗波爾曼Ron Perlman(王者之劍3D、魔女神兵)
克莉絲蒂娜韓卓克Christina Hendricks(廣告狂人、命中注定多個你)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
導演:尼可拉溫迪黑芬Nicolas Winding Refn(血染天堂路、藥頭三部曲)
編劇:荷森亞米尼Hossein Amini & 詹姆斯薩利斯James Sallis
製片:麥可李維克Michel Litvak & 約翰帕勒摩John Palermo & 馬可普萊特Marc Platt & 吉吉普立茲克Gigi Pritzker & 亞當席格Adam Siegel
雷恩葛斯林Ryan Gosling(手札情緣、破綻)
凱莉穆莉根Carey Mulligan(華爾街:金錢萬歲、名媛教育)
朗波爾曼Ron Perlman(王者之劍3D、魔女神兵)
克莉絲蒂娜韓卓克Christina Hendricks(廣告狂人、命中注定多個你)
隻身前往好萊塢闖天下的「車神」(雷恩葛斯林 飾),懷有一身無人能及的駕駛絕技,加上過人的膽識與拚勁,很快地他便躍升成為電影圈最紅的特技飛車手。白天替電影拍攝高難度特技場面,晚上則替搶匪駕車逃離犯罪現場;然而火速狂飆,才是他心中最極致的享受。不料,某次犯案出了差錯,讓道上兄弟對他展開全面追捕。車神本想歸還贓款以結束這場風波,豈料拿回贓款的黑道竟仍想至他於死地。被逼入絕境的車神終於忍無可忍,決定向敵人展開搏命逆襲…。
Driver (RYAN GOSLING) is a stunt driver by day and a getaway driver by night. Doesn’t matter what job he does, Driver is most comfortable behind the wheel of a car. Shannon (BRYAN CRANSTON) is part mentor, part manager for Driver. Since he knows what a great talent Driver is behind the wheel, he either peddles him to film and television directors in the entertainment business or thieves who need an accomplished getaway driver, taking a cut for his own pockets. Always looking to make a buck, Shannon’s current plan is funding a stock car that Driver can race on the professional circuit. Since Bernie Rose (ALBERT BROOKS) is the wealthiest guy he knows, even if the sources of his money are questionable, Shannon proposes he be their investor. After seeing Driver in action at the speedway, Bernie Rose insists Nino (RON PERLMAN) partners with them as well.
Primarily a loner and ambivalent about the deals Shannon makes for him, Driver’s world changes the day he shares an elevator ride at his apartment building with Irene (CAREY MULLIGAN). When he sees her again at the grocery store with her young son, Benicio (KADEN LEOS), he is transfixed, and willingly offers help when they are stranded in the parking lot because Irene’s car won’t start. Soon Driver settles into a routine of driving Irene to her waitress job and watching Benicio, entangled in their lives while her car is fixed. This interlude in Driver’s life abruptly stops when Standard (OSCAR ISAAC), Irene’s husband, is let out early from prison for good behavior. Even though nothing has happened between Driver and Irene, Standard is threatened by another man’s presence in his family’s life. Driver backs off, respectful of Irene’s desire to keep her family together, but when he finds Standard bloodied and lying in the garage with a scared Benicio standing next to his father, Driver is embroiled even further in Irene’s life. Then trouble begins…
導演:尼可拉溫迪黑芬Nicolas Winding Refn(血染天堂路、藥頭三部曲)
編劇:荷森亞米尼Hossein Amini & 詹姆斯薩利斯James Sallis
製片:麥可李維克Michel Litvak & 約翰帕勒摩John Palermo & 馬可普萊特Marc Platt & 吉吉普立茲克Gigi Pritzker & 亞當席格Adam Siegel
雷恩葛斯林Ryan Gosling(手札情緣、破綻)
凱莉穆莉根Carey Mulligan(華爾街:金錢萬歲、名媛教育)
朗波爾曼Ron Perlman(王者之劍3D、魔女神兵)
克莉絲蒂娜韓卓克Christina Hendricks(廣告狂人、命中注定多個你)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
導演:尼可拉溫迪黑芬Nicolas Winding Refn(血染天堂路、藥頭三部曲)
編劇:荷森亞米尼Hossein Amini & 詹姆斯薩利斯James Sallis
製片:麥可李維克Michel Litvak & 約翰帕勒摩John Palermo & 馬可普萊特Marc Platt & 吉吉普立茲克Gigi Pritzker & 亞當席格Adam Siegel
雷恩葛斯林Ryan Gosling(手札情緣、破綻)
凱莉穆莉根Carey Mulligan(華爾街:金錢萬歲、名媛教育)
朗波爾曼Ron Perlman(王者之劍3D、魔女神兵)
克莉絲蒂娜韓卓克Christina Hendricks(廣告狂人、命中注定多個你)
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