電影巨星夏洛特(綺拉奈特莉 飾)因不堪狗仔騷擾,雇用了剛出獄的黑幫殺手米契爾(柯林法洛 飾)作為貼身保鑣。過去曾叱吒南倫敦黑社會的米契爾,在經歷三年牢獄之災後,決定金盆洗手,只想全心守護同樣渴望寧靜的夏洛特。然而米契爾過去的黑幫大哥甘特(雷溫斯頓 飾)卻找上門來,要求米契爾重回江湖,否則就要摧毀他現在的生活。日久生情的米契爾和夏洛特兩人,決定一起離開這是非之地。但是在遠走高飛之前,有些事情,米契爾不得不先一一解決…
Mitchel (Colin Farrell ) just got out of jail and wants to stay legitimate but his friends involved in the messy London underground fear him and wants him to join them again but Mitchel tries his best to stay away. He gets himself a job as a bodyguard for a retired actress Charlotte (Keira Knightley) who is still hot news for the paparazzi. Mitchell, through his friend Billy eventually meets the underground Don by the name of Gant (Ray Winstone) who wants Mitch to work for him because of Mitchs reputations. While working together Mitch and Charlotte fall in love. Gant asks Billy to get the guy who sent Mitch to jail but it turns out to be the wrong one, Gant kills the guy in front of Mitch and lets Mitch know that he has to work for him now that Mitch has seen him commit the murder but Mitch refuses. Gant keeps trying to force Mitch to his side promising him good ranks...
導演:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan
編劇:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan、肯布魯恩Ken Bruen
製片:昆汀卡提斯Quentin Curtis、提姆海丁頓Tim Headington、葛漢金Graham King、威廉莫納漢William Monahan
綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley(神鬼奇航系列)
柯林法洛 Colin Farrell(殺手沒有假期)
雷溫斯頓 Ray Winstone(驚爆萬惡城)
班卓別林 Ben Chaplin(星夢傳奇:奧森威爾斯與我)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
導演:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan
編劇:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan、肯布魯恩Ken Bruen
製片:昆汀卡提斯Quentin Curtis、提姆海丁頓Tim Headington、葛漢金Graham King、威廉莫納漢William Monahan
綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley(神鬼奇航系列)
柯林法洛 Colin Farrell(殺手沒有假期)
雷溫斯頓 Ray Winstone(驚爆萬惡城)
班卓別林 Ben Chaplin(星夢傳奇:奧森威爾斯與我)
電影巨星夏洛特(綺拉奈特莉 飾)因不堪狗仔騷擾,雇用了剛出獄的黑幫殺手米契爾(柯林法洛 飾)作為貼身保鑣。過去曾叱吒南倫敦黑社會的米契爾,在經歷三年牢獄之災後,決定金盆洗手,只想全心守護同樣渴望寧靜的夏洛特。然而米契爾過去的黑幫大哥甘特(雷溫斯頓 飾)卻找上門來,要求米契爾重回江湖,否則就要摧毀他現在的生活。日久生情的米契爾和夏洛特兩人,決定一起離開這是非之地。但是在遠走高飛之前,有些事情,米契爾不得不先一一解決…
Mitchel (Colin Farrell ) just got out of jail and wants to stay legitimate but his friends involved in the messy London underground fear him and wants him to join them again but Mitchel tries his best to stay away. He gets himself a job as a bodyguard for a retired actress Charlotte (Keira Knightley) who is still hot news for the paparazzi. Mitchell, through his friend Billy eventually meets the underground Don by the name of Gant (Ray Winstone) who wants Mitch to work for him because of Mitchs reputations. While working together Mitch and Charlotte fall in love. Gant asks Billy to get the guy who sent Mitch to jail but it turns out to be the wrong one, Gant kills the guy in front of Mitch and lets Mitch know that he has to work for him now that Mitch has seen him commit the murder but Mitch refuses. Gant keeps trying to force Mitch to his side promising him good ranks...
導演:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan
編劇:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan、肯布魯恩Ken Bruen
製片:昆汀卡提斯Quentin Curtis、提姆海丁頓Tim Headington、葛漢金Graham King、威廉莫納漢William Monahan
綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley(神鬼奇航系列)
柯林法洛 Colin Farrell(殺手沒有假期)
雷溫斯頓 Ray Winstone(驚爆萬惡城)
班卓別林 Ben Chaplin(星夢傳奇:奧森威爾斯與我)
導演 / 演出者簡介:
導演:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan
編劇:威廉莫納漢 William Monahan、肯布魯恩Ken Bruen
製片:昆汀卡提斯Quentin Curtis、提姆海丁頓Tim Headington、葛漢金Graham King、威廉莫納漢William Monahan
綺拉奈特莉 Keira Knightley(神鬼奇航系列)
柯林法洛 Colin Farrell(殺手沒有假期)
雷溫斯頓 Ray Winstone(驚爆萬惡城)
班卓別林 Ben Chaplin(星夢傳奇:奧森威爾斯與我)
※ 二手徵求後,有綁定line通知的讀者,