中英文雙語書.Chinese-English Bilingual Edition



The metamorphosis from graphic designer to writer, twenty one chapters of poignant nagging and tender whisper. Telling the agitation of those youngsters reside between the gaps of generations and the obscurity of the mass and community. Emotion, sex, soul and body were dissected, disjointed and collided-

It has been me, since always. Bonus visual edition : I think I’m much better now
新書79折優惠 198
潔癖 ver.

Sep O2, 2O13.Firework.煙火



The sky today is blue (No fog today). Loneliness always turns into the crave for food (It is not like the adorable circulation that automatically condenses proteins into flesh), the brownish oil liquid sits steadily while smoking in the pan, (well... the carcinogens, well well... something like propylene...) Hints from strangers linger in my head. We are the gourmands that devour wastes. Replicate all the fine materials until it lose its original appearance, then were clankingly thrown into the stomach-the legacy of cultural development, and the savior's initiative of the once food industry-The material scrapped the esophagus, rolled into the reactor where all the chemistry actions took place, and then pressed the skewed organs. Give me more, so as to fill the loneliness.

The clouds today were grey. (It rained today). The part he dug is still hurting. The pain, like the trigger of the nociceptors that was pulled for the unpredictable moments, then it burst into flames: While preparing the food, while reading novels, while showering. Routinely spraying ethanol on quotidian objects and imagining the germs with devil horns are struggling, shivering and screaming. (Arghhhh~~ Raid!) It shrinks till the most modest hole and then “Bo” (Of course, it’s impossible to hear in our world). It disappeared in its time and space. It’s alright, death itself isn’t that scary, it is the process of dying makes it intimidating.

Mar 7, 2O13.Reminder.備忘錄


Both optimism and pessimism make you grow up. The optimist invents the aeroplane; the pessimist, the parachute. (Well, it was the words from Tang Xiang-lung though). Keep exercising, four days a week. Eat natural food, not the processed ones. Do English listening practice and vocabulary for an hour everyday. Keep calm. Stay tidy and keep reading. Being passive. Being weary. Being fed up and restless. Being calmly anxious. Stop falling in love. Stop taking everyone around you as a friend. Stop being overcritical. Stop pretending to be mature. Stop being considerate. Stop trying to be cheerful. This is about learning to become myself.

Aug 27, 2O12.Single.單身


After the breakup, I have always had the feeling that it is impossible for me to meet someone that wonderful again, and I doubt whether I can make any more beautiful books like this one now. (For sure I will think the book is hideous by this time next month). The five pieces, refrigerated, fully soaked in two hundred and fifty milliliters of low fat preserved milk for two minutes, and smashed with an iron spoon just like how you make a milkshake. (The correct way to eat an Oreo). The audience I addressed is my editors and convenient store clerks (Heat it up, please.) Ripped the calluses on my toes (but won’t keep it as a souvenir for its perfect shape). The exquisite pain happened at the roots of my molar teeth during the vibration. As the pleasure and orgasm was concentrated, a realization occurred to me that I wasn’t that interested in their body. (But will you just stay with me). It has been me, since always. (Either I am falling in love, or falling out of love.)

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